Saturday, 10 April 2010

Casino night & Minnesota Zoo

昨晩、マルクとMystic Lake Casinoで遊んできました。二人ともブラックジャックで負けそうになるものの、何とか耐え抜き最初の掛け金の2倍まで増やし、換金して帰ってきました。私たちは明らかにビギナーでしが、ディーラーを含めテービルの皆さんが親切にアドバイスしてくれたおかげで勝つことができました。楽しかった!!
(Last night, we went playing to Mystic Lake Casino. Both of us almost lost at Black jack, but finally we could win and increase our bets to twice. We obviously looked like beginners, so everyone including dealer gave us many kind advices. We succeeded in winning using their help. It was really fun!!
Today, we went to Minnesota Zoo. Walking round the huge zoo in nice weather was a good exercise. Bears were playing in the water under warm weather and gave us a real show across the swim tank window. That scene was so cute. When prairie dogs are standing, their attitude is very careful and alert. I suggest they should use their high cautiousness for preventing accidents on highway.
We had a little luxurious dinner with money which we got at the casino last night. We didn't feel like eating animal meat, therefore we ordered seafood dishes; calmars, lobster filled ravioli and mediterranean salmon. Everything had a fresh and elegant taste. Amazing!!)


  1. hey taka-chann!!!

    good to know that you are having fun :) your japanese sounds like as if you are using online translation :D when you are coming to europe, let me know!


  2. ロブスターのラビオリ、、、いいねぇ!


  3. To kaori
    thank you for a comment. I don't use a online traslation:) You also have time to come Canada or US,tell me!!

    To Kaz
    It's been a long time not to see you. Where are you now? I hope you are doing well.
