Friday, 30 April 2010


ここWiesbadenのダウンタウンはたくさんのテラス付きレストランがあります! 店内よりテラスの方が人気があり、たくさんの人で溢れかえっています。
(There are many restaurants with terrace here: in downtown Wiesbaden. Seats of terrace, rather than inside, are popular and full with people.)

Thursday, 29 April 2010


(Today's dinner was Schnitzel that is a traditional dish in Germany. It is served with potatoes roasted in the oven and a salad. We weren't very hungry , so we ordered a plate for sharing and got two plates already divided into two. These two plates in the picture are for one person, €8.5. How cheap! Beer per 500ml is about €3.5. It's also cheap!!)

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Arrival at Wiesbaden


(I arrived at early-morning 6am in Frankfurt airport. I was spaced out for some reason, perhaps the reason why I didn't sleep a wink or just have jet lag. Well, I saw Marc again. I appreciated him meeting me at such early hour. Our hotel is at Wiesbaden that is located 20 minutes west of Frankfurt by car. This city is so cute, where there are many restaurants and cafes with terrace. I felt relaxed with the air like coming back to Jiyugaoka. I want to search all this city from in future.)

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Via Philadelphia



←(フラデルフィア空港で窓沿いに並べてあるロッキングチェア、見てるだけでリラックス。)(Rocking chair being lined along windows at PH airport.I can relax with just seeing these.)

(I’m waiting for the flight to Frankfurt at Philadelphia. It has snowed this morning since last night; I couldn’t believe that scene because it was so different from yesterday which was fine and easy to spend without a coat. I called the taxi company to go to the airport. Marc was ready three ways to guard against my bad pronunciation of our home address. First, he recorded only the address for my practice. Second, it was the version which was just getting the reception of the taxi company to listen to his complete message in French. As a last resource to make doubly sure, he was standing by to be able to call from Frankfurt, and then I tried to call. Fortunately, the receptionist could speak English and understand my bad French which must have been difficult to listen. I was glad!!

A little while ago, I ate a cheesesteak, known as a Philadelphia cheesesteak, which is a sandwich made from thinly sliced pieces of and steak melted cheese in a long roll. The size was so big and a third the size was enough for me. The plate included much French fries plus I ordered Diet Pepsi, that made me full immediately. I gave up at two-thirds point I had eaten. I, the gluttonous, have foods in Germany on my mind. )

Monday, 26 April 2010


(I left our flat for YMCA which just opened on April 24th at 7:30. I tried coming to this Gym, but it was so crowded and gave up using. That's why I retried from early morning. The pool was so comfortable because a lot of sunshine come through windows, so that I could swim smoothly and forget time and tiredness. There is a sauna, but mixed. I don't want to see sweaty old guys...What's a pity! I went to various places from the first YMCA and was spoken to many strangers today. I think today was the most talkative day since I have came to Montreal. A bit tired...)

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Shopping by bicycleo

(I went shopping to supermarket by bicycle. Today is my first ride since I bought this bicycle at the beginning of April. We should use exclusive road for bicycles next to road for cars which are divided by lines in Canada. But I have no idea where I should run with my bicycle because there aren't so many lines, actually. I decided to run along the sidewalk afraid of a rough driver and heavy traffic density. I was uncertain of my decision and restlessly looking around. However, a motor scooter has been coming from the front, it was running along the sidewalk!! If a motor scooter was forgiven, my guilt would be light. I'm sure of being able to run on the sidewalk by bicycle from now on.)

Friday, 23 April 2010

Someone knocking door

今日は誰かがドアを叩く音で目が覚めた。無視しようと思ったが、2回叩いている。マルクがいない時に限って、Bad timing!!
(Someone knocking at the door woke me up this morning. I would rather ignore, but the knocking sound continued twice. What a bad timing on this particular day without Marc. This flat has being renovated recently. A few days ago, while we were in Minneapolis, there were evidence that someone came in this room for inspecting the windows. I tried to see who that was by looking through a small hole on the door and could see a middle-aged man who looked like a repairman. I didn't see his shape without contact lens, but he didn't bring advertisement fliers and his bag. That meant he isn't a salesman. I didn't want him to come in while I was pretending to be out, so i said 'hello' and waited for his reaction. And then, he kept silent after just saying 'bonjour'. He seemed to be waiting for my reaction. I tried saying 'hello' again. And he started to explain something in French. I totally could't understand what he said.
I said 'I can't speak French' to him. After that, he explained in English. He seemed to come here for checking waterworks. It made sense that someone came for that purpose since hot water had stopped suddenly a few days ago, so I opened the door.
He looked surprised by a Asian girl standing alone and said 'I will finish in one minute'. He checked very quickly and left in a modest mood.
I have had two bad experiences caused by French since yesterday. I hope to be able to understand French little by little.)

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Bon voyage en Allemagne

(Marc is preparing for the flight now because he has got a job to do in Germany for three weeks, that was decided yesterday suddenly. There are only first class seats for a few days because of Volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. He barely got the direct flight ticket to Frankfurt with all this chaos.
I'm joining him next Wednesday. I start my life alone for one week from now...)

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Good bye,Minneapolis!


(ホテルでよく見かけた野うさぎちゃん、バイバイ☆ ↓↓)
(The Rabbit being seen at hotel so often. bye bye☆ ↓↓)

昨日は、最後の夜を楽しむべく、再びMystic Lake Casinoへ行ってきました。カジノ内のブッフェでディナーを食べ、その後カジノへ。マルクがスロットマシーンで、たった$7ドルで$102をヒットさせました。奇跡です!!更にブラックジャックで$20稼いでいました。うらやましい~。

(I’m at Minneapolis airport now. We are going back to Montreal via Toronto. Somehow there are many signs in Japanese at this airport including vending machine of Sony electronics. I found oolong tea made by Ito-en (famous Japanese company) at some café and got it instinctively. It’s just a 500ml bottle, but the price was $4, how expensive! If it was Japan, we would get it at a 100yen shop.

We returned to Mystic Lake Casino for pleasure last night. We had the food Buffet inside the casino's main restaurant before playing. Marc won $102 by playing only $7. What a miracle!! In addition, he earned $20 at Black Jack. I envy him!)

Sunday, 18 April 2010


ウィスコンシン州にあるWillow River State Parkのハイキングコースを歩いてきました。ミネソタ州から東へ進み、ハドソン川を越えたらウィスコンシン州です。ハドソン川ではたくさんのヨットがでていました。
(We walked along a hiking trail at Willow River State Park in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is located on East of Minnesota, with the St. Croix river separating the two states. Many sailboat were out. We walked for three and a half hours on the trail and saw a small water fall on the way. Three squirrels and one snake appeared. Some guys enjoyed fishing for trout in the river. We were very tired after walking and managed to get sunburn, but walking in nature was so comfortable! )

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Cheesecake Factory


(Today was a good day for leisure activities in the warm sunshine. We went out and came back just now. We wanted to do something like sports, so we tried playing Mini-golf. The facility was inside, however it was nice for relaxing because it's surrounded by nature. We ate late lunch at Cheesecake Factory. Having ordered two apple ciders, we got just apple juice and thought the waiter made a mistake in our order. Marc made sure whether these were really apple ciders, and it seemed so. We thought cider was sparkling... Apparently cider is similar to juice here. What a shame not to get real apple cider! Main dishes were meat loaf and pasta. Those were so big that we couldn't eat everything, therefore we brought back the rest; almost half of both meals. Our important purpose was cheesecake! We can’t go back without eating cheesecake. We ordered Original cheesecake with strawberry plus vanilla ice cream so called a-la-mode. We were already full, but ate next to next like a competition and finally sent the whole cake into a different stomach! I felt happy to eat some cake again after a long separation!
Then, we went shopping for his running shoes to a store called Sports Authority. I was walking inside while he was looking for the shoes when I saw a man who happened to run inside the store... That man was Marc trying some new shoes. I couldn’t believe my eyes because that scene was so strange!
Of course, we went swimming to consume some of the calories we ate previously. We practiced quick-turn very hard.
I really enjoyed this colorful day!)

Friday, 16 April 2010

Today's us



Thursday, 15 April 2010

Johnny Rockets

ランチにMall of AmericanにあるJohnny Rockets へ行ってきました。Johnny Rocketsはファーストフードのチェーン店で1986年にロサンゼルスでオープンしました。Maltsという定番メニューで、600ml程の巨大シェーキです。各々のテーブルにはミニジュークボックスがあり、5¢を投入すれば音楽を聞くことができます。アメリカンサイズのものは大抵シェアして食べますが、今日はお腹が空いていたので各々にオーダーしました。結局食べきれず残してしまいました。
私は、Route66(スイスチーズ、グリルマッシュルーム、グリルオニオン、マヨネーズのハンバーガー)、Half Rings &Half Fried(オニオンリングとフライドポテトのハーフ&ハーフ)とアイスティーを頼みました。マルクはベーコンチェダーバーガー、Half Rings &Half FriedとMalts苺バナナ味を頼んでいました。

(We went to Johnny Rockets at Mall of America for lunch. Johnny Rockets is an international restaurant chain which opened on 1986 in LA. Malts; a kind of shake, is part of the standard menu. The size is very big: about 600ml. There are jukeboxes on each tables and we just insert 5¢for music. We usually prefer sharing American-sizes meals, but we were hungry today. Then we each ordered separately and had some leftovers finally.
I had a burger called "Route66" (swiss cheese, grilled mushrooms, grilled onions and mayonnaise), Half Rings & Half Fries and Iced tea. Marc, on the other hand, had Bacon cheddar single burger, Half Rings & Half Fries and a Strawberry Banana Malt.
We already ingested all necessary calories for one day...

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


今、私たちが泊まっているのはResidence Inn Eaganです。部屋は1棟8部屋が入った建物が15棟、計120部屋のホテルです。各々の部屋にはキッチン(ディッシュウォッシャー、オーブン、電子レンジ、ディスポーサー付き)があり自分たちで調理できるようになっています。また厚めのお肉を焼くときは外にあるBBQ設備を利用しています。初めて本物のディスポーサーを見て、無闇にスイッチを入れて回転させて嬉しくなりました。部屋内には本物の暖炉があり薪は購入しなければなりませんが、寒い冬を快適に過ごせそうです。ここはモントリオールより寒く、一昨日は霰交じりの雷雨が降り頻り、まだまだ暖房が必要です。
(We are staying in Residence Inn Eagan now. There are 15 buildings comprised of 8 rooms each, for a total of 120 apartment-sized rooms. Every room has a kitchen including dishwasher, oven, microwave and disposal device embedded in the sink. When we want to grill a thick steak, we can use an outside BBQ conveniently. I saw a real disposal for the first time here, I was glad to switch it on rashly. There is a real fireplace in the room, but we should buy wood by ourselves, it must be comfortable in winter. Here is colder than Montreal and a storm with hailstones came the day before yesterday. We still need the heater.
Happy hour starts from 5 pm to 7:30pm on Mon,Tue and Wed and we can eat light meal: hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, salad, chips and drinks. Marc is working at this time, so I take some meals for him since we are permitted to bring back these ones to our room.
Then, they have cardiovascular equipment inside hotel and we can run. We go swimming to YMCA every second day because pool in hotel is still shut down for the winter.
I have stayed at Montreal for only a bit more than a month since I had moved there last Dec. The lifestyle of moving and settling has both good points and bad points. As for now at least, I'm really happy with him and I'm enjoying sightseeing in new places.

今日のマルク、カフェで足を伸ばし中。(Today's Marc extending his legs at a local cafe.)

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


フランス語にはたくさんの「アン」という発音が多い。'an, en, am, em, un, um, in, yn, ain, ein, im, ym, aim, eim'の発音が日本語では「アン」の区切りになっているがフランス語では3つ発音に分かれている。'faim'(空腹・ファン)という単語を発音し、マルクが認識できるか試したところ、何度言っても通じず・・・。発音することのみならず、彼が発音するのと、自分が発音する音は一緒のように聞こえ、どう頑張っても最後まで音の違いを認識できず。本当は発音できているのにマルクに意地悪されているのではないかと疑い、最後は喧嘩をしてフランス語の勉強を放棄し、背を向けて英語の勉強をスタート。
今日は気温も低く、こんな日は勉強のやる気もでず・・・。今日のささいな楽しみは、'American idol'を見たことと、'Kisses'を食べたこと。明日は気分転換に泳ぎにでも行きたいな。
(There are many sounds like 'un' in French.These sounds: 'an, en, am, em, un, um, in, yn, ain, ein, im, ym, aim, eim' have only one pronunciation 'un' in Japanese. Meanwhile, those sounds are distinguished by three different way in French. I tried to pronounce 'faim' to Marc again and again, but he didn't recognize. Not only could I pronounce, but I was able to recognize the differences between his sound and mine in the end. I doubt whether he is spiteful, though I might say the right sound in fact. Finally, I stopped studying French after a quarrel with him and started studying English while turning my back on him.
It's cold today, I felt dull with such a day. Today's small pastime to watch 'American idol' and eating Hershey 'Kisses' for me. I hope to go swimming tomorrow for a change. )

Monday, 12 April 2010


(What's is this? These are knee-high stockings. One is only 33¢. I bought them at Walmart. I went there for the first time, I have never known how low-price this store was. Lipsticks of Maybelline are about 500yen. I want to go to that store frequently from now on, hopefully price in Canada is the same as in the US.)

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Casino night & Minnesota Zoo

昨晩、マルクとMystic Lake Casinoで遊んできました。二人ともブラックジャックで負けそうになるものの、何とか耐え抜き最初の掛け金の2倍まで増やし、換金して帰ってきました。私たちは明らかにビギナーでしが、ディーラーを含めテービルの皆さんが親切にアドバイスしてくれたおかげで勝つことができました。楽しかった!!
(Last night, we went playing to Mystic Lake Casino. Both of us almost lost at Black jack, but finally we could win and increase our bets to twice. We obviously looked like beginners, so everyone including dealer gave us many kind advices. We succeeded in winning using their help. It was really fun!!
Today, we went to Minnesota Zoo. Walking round the huge zoo in nice weather was a good exercise. Bears were playing in the water under warm weather and gave us a real show across the swim tank window. That scene was so cute. When prairie dogs are standing, their attitude is very careful and alert. I suggest they should use their high cautiousness for preventing accidents on highway.
We had a little luxurious dinner with money which we got at the casino last night. We didn't feel like eating animal meat, therefore we ordered seafood dishes; calmars, lobster filled ravioli and mediterranean salmon. Everything had a fresh and elegant taste. Amazing!!)

Friday, 9 April 2010

Wild Animal

(I happened to see many wild animals today. Those animals were two squirrels, many wild ducks, a peacock and two deers. I approached them for taking pictures, but they escaped. I think spring is coming soon here, isn't it?! I keep driving carefully to prevent hitting wandering wild animals!)

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Mall of America

Mall of Americaに行ってきました。ホテルから車で10分くらいのところにあります。Mall of Americaはアメリカ最大級のショッピングモールで、四隅をアメリカ4大有名デパート(Macy's」メイシーズ、「Nordstrom」ノードストローム、「Sears」シアーズ、「Bloomingdale's」ブルーミングデールズ)で結んだ長方形エリアに、500以上の店舗が入っている施設です。また、真ん中中央エリアには子供向けの遊園地、地下は水族館となっています。平日の昼間だったので空いていましたが、週末は大変混雑するそうです。ハンドソープを4つ購入し、ランチにミネソタ風BBQ、カフェでお茶しながら読書をしました。蝶の展示会も臨時公開されており、中に入って蝶が蜜を吸うところなど細かく観察し、たくさん写真を取ってきました。ショッピングセンター内はとても開放的で、太陽の日差しがよく通る構造となっておりブラブラするだけでもとても気持ちがよかったです。洋服をじっくり見て回りたいので今度は一人で来ようっと!
(We visited Mall of America today. This mall is a only 10 minutes from our hotel. Mall of America is the biggest shopping mall in US, four famous department stores: Macy's, Nordstrom, Sears, Bloomingdale's, which standing on the four corners surrounding this shopping area. There are over 500 shops inside! The center of the mall is a genuine amusement ground for kids, it has aquarium underground. We went there during the day on a weekday, therefore it wasn't so crowded. But it seems to be very crowded during weekend. We bought 4 handsoaps, ate BBQ meat Minnesota style and read at some cafe. A living butterfly exhibition was held temporarily, we observed magnificent butterflies and discovered how they eat honey. We obviously took many pictures.
That place was spacious and the sun's rays filtered through the glass ceiling to warm up the whole mall, therefore making it very comportable and heart warming. I'll come back here alone for checking clothes more closely.)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

From Minneapolis

昨日よりミネソタ州ミネアポリスに来ています。これから2週間滞在予定です。レンタカーがないと移動が不便な為、レンタカーを借りました。マルクの職場までの送迎をして日中は一人で運転です。トヨタのキャンムリー(Camry)を借りました。今日は、彼をDelta まで送っていき、その後近くのショッピングモールへ食材や日用品の買出しに行ってきました。アメリカでの運転デビューです。車体は大きく安定感があり、道幅も広く運転し易いですが、日本ではペーパードライバーだったので緊張して運転しました。
(Today we arrived in Minneapolis in MN and will stay here for 2 weeks. We rented a car: Toyota Camry for moving around because it is inconvenient to move without a car in the US. I should drive Marc to and from his workplace and drive alone during the daytime. As for today, I drove him to Delta, after that, I went shopping for some food and daily essentials. I debuted on driving in US. Driving here is easy because the body of that car is big and steady, plus the road is so wide. But, I was a paper driver in Japan so I'm nervous about driving.
Here, maybe because it's quite countryside, people talk to me. Unfortunately I can't understand everything. I'm looking forward for many things to happen to me. Today's dinner was BBQ hamburger which I got at Happy hours in hotel and short pasta which i made instantly in the room. Those meals were high calorie, we needed to go running to Gym inside hotel.)

Sunday, 4 April 2010

シュガー・シャック(sugar shack)

マルクの実家、シャウニガンへ行ってきました。彼のお母さんは何でもデコレートするのが上手で、朝起きるとテーブルにチョコレートがかわいく飾ってありました。イースターデーは、一日チョコレートを食べるそうです。親戚17人が集まり、シュガーシャックというメープルシロップを料理にかけて食べるお祭りへ出かけランチを楽しみました。シュガーシャック=春の到来を意味するそうで、春を祝いとても賑やかな雰囲気でした。どの料理もメープルシロップにマッチするよう調理されており、好みでメープルシロップをかけてをかけて食べます。私はデザートのクレープが一番気に入りました。日本のクレープのようにホットプレートで焼いたものではなく、生地を油で揚げたものにメープルシロップのみをかけて食べるシンプルなものです。揚げてあるのに何故かさっぱりとしているので何枚でも食べれてしまいます。(I went to Shawnigan which is Marc's hometown. His mother is good at decorating everything so well, so that chocolate was adorned cutely when I woke up. It is a custom to eat chocolate all day on Easter day. We went out for a lunch at the Sugar shack with 17 relative people. All dishes are cooked for an easy match with Maple syrup and we put Maple syrup to our liking. Sugar shack was so lively and everyone feels the coming of Spring with this festival. My favorite was crepe at dessert. That crepe was different compared to Japanese style because it is fried, not baked. Although it was fried, it wasn't greasy. It is easy for us to eat as much as we like.)

今回の訪問で、初めてマルクのおじいちゃんおばあちゃんに会いました。寒い季節の6ヶ月間はフロリダへ行っており、先週帰ってきたそうです。二人ともとっても優しく、フランス語をフランス語で教えてくれましたが、さっぱりわからず困惑してました。次回会う時までには、少しでもフランス語で会話できるといいな。(I met Marc's grandparents for the first time during this visit. They stayed for 6 months of winter in Florida and just came back the week before. Both of them were so kind and taught me French by French, although I couldn't understand completely and were confused from time to time. I want to talk a little bit in French until next time I see them.)

Saturday, 3 April 2010

New bicycle

気温は26度。汗ばむ陽気でした。雪も解け、だんだん過ごし易い気温になってきました。春、夏、秋を楽しむべく、本日中古の自転車を購入。ディスカウントをお願いして65ドルで交渉成立。これからの季節、ジムへの足として役立てて行きたいです。(Today's temperature was 26℃. It was a sweaty day. The snow melted and it becomes warmer, it is so comfortable. I bought a used bicycle for enjoyment of spring, summer and autumn. I succeeded with a deal for discounting the price: 65$. I expect my bicycle to be used as my legs to go to Gym.)

Friday, 2 April 2010

グット フライデー(Good Friday)

今日はイースターホリデーの初日。祝日の名前は”Good Friday”。”良い金曜日”?いったい何の為の祝日なのだろうと不思議に思った。
(Today is the first day of Easter Holiday. Today, the national holiday is called "Good Friday". "Good Friday"? I wonder what the national holiday is for. Marc also has holiday today, we went to Gym together. We enjoyed treadmill, cardiovascular equipment and sauna bath with good sweat. We could spend a relaxing holiday after a long separation.)

Thursday, 1 April 2010

ブログスタート (Blog start)





(Start our blog from today
I thought I wanted to do something special up to the start of this blog; today was a common day, though. As for April, it is recalled as entrance for schools and companies, which give us many opportunities to meet new environment and new friends, with the smell of Sakura: cherry blossoms. I miss the row of Sakura at Jiyu-gaoka where I have lived for a long time and Yasukuni shrine where I went with my ex-colleagues for a picnic under the cherry blossom. I looked back at some pictures about this time last year, we enjoyed the Sakura festival at that time.
Marc! We really enjoyed a picnic under the cherry blossom, didn't we?! Someday, let's eat Takoyaki again under the cherry blossom.)




(by the way, speaking of today... Marc debuted on a hair-salon. Plus we enjoyed a dinner in a nearby cafe-bar. I’m showing you "New Marc". But it’s a little bit hard to see...)