Friday, 27 August 2010


(Marc came back from his work at Kuala Lumpur and Singapore about for a month this Tuesday. He spent at Montreal momentarily and left here for Japan this morning. I will follow him next Monday.
Well, a picture below is about my souvenirs of his long trip business in Southeast Asia↓↓↓ iPod-nano that I wanted for a long time and that's case; it's Singapore brand, and a music box including our memorial song. This really cute wrapping was done by himself. I couldn't help tearing with his kindness: he thought deeply about what I want and things making me happy as souvenirs.)

Friday, 20 August 2010


モントリオールでテニスの大会Rogersが開催されています。先日ダウンタウンのホテル前で選手2名を見かけました。顔は見えませんでしたが。今日、Caroline Wozniacki vs Francesca Schiavoneの試合が行われていました。Francesca Schiavoneは私の好きな選手の一人で、6月の全仏オープンで優勝ました。今日は何か調子が悪そうで、ミスが目立ち負けてしまいました。残念。
(Rogers is held in Montreal just now. I saw two players in the front of a hotel in downtown the other day, but couldn't see their faces. There was a match Caroline Wozniacki vs Francesca Schiavone today. Francesca Schiavone is one of my favorite players and won  the Roland Garros title on June. She lost because seemed not to get into her stride today and had many faults in play. I'm sorry for her.)

China Town

(A festival is taking place in China Town now. Most of shops are fake brand-name goods and mysterious clothes and shoes:) The green restaurant in the picture left is the same as in Shibuya. It's a fire-Nabe: pot with lambs restaurant.The size of  bubble tea in the picture is as big as the large beer mug. I thought there were less  pearls today... I wanted to eat more!)

Monday, 16 August 2010

Greasy meals

(Recently, opportunities to dine out have increased and I have been ingesting very high calorie meals, )
こんなものや(like this.)↓↓↓

こんなもの↓↓↓を食べ高カロリーを摂取中です。ちなみにこれはプッチンというケベック州の名物です。山盛りポテトの上に、チーズとバーベキューソースが載っています。今回はステーキを追加でつけてもらいました。おそらく800~1000カロリーはあったかと思います。(This is called "poutine", it's a well-known food in Quebec. A large serving of French fries is covered with cheeses and BBQ sauce, plus I asked an extra steak this time. I guess it would be 800-1000cal.  )

Monday, 9 August 2010

Attention, salt

(While running at gym, I felt tired but haven't been running before one twelfth in usual. I realized it's easy day to get tired, however I stuck it out until consuming 250 cal: 5km  running. I got dripping with sweat even from arms.  I was powerless to tried the next machine for consuming the rest of 250 cal. The reason of crazy sweat is intake of salt too much yesterday. It's salty day with potato chips , dressing for salad, cheese with pasta and so on. Ultimately, consumed 500 cal by spirits. I have to pay attention not to take surplus salt...)

Friday, 6 August 2010


(In recent one and a half months, I got training for working at nail salon. The long internship has finished today, finally I got "Diploma". The lady in the picture is my teacher, Yeannie. She can speak five languages; English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. She is a super mother having a 23-years-old daughter and a small boy. She always taught me smiley and kindly, so I was looking forward to going my training everyday. 
I will work at the other shop and she will go to NY for some reasons. I' ll miss her badly.
Well, the shop I'll work is just in a French area. I have to work hard to study. The communication between staffs is also French. They sometimes helped me when I had troubles about a language... I have butterflies in my stomach about many thing that will happen to me. I'll try my best!)

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


(A car splashed water in a puddle on the left side of me when I was getting back from gym. I haven't gotten such like experience for a long age. There were nothing to vent my anger, so I just knitted my eyebrows in a  moment. Well, I went out for lunch with my friend. That was Italian restaurant we went before. )