Friday, 24 December 2010

Monday, 13 December 2010

Bye- bye our lovely car!!

(Marc sold his car today. We feel sad vaguely. Bye bye!)

Sunday, 12 December 2010

My birthday

12月12日は私の誕生日=クリスマスパーティーの翌日です。12日早朝の4時過ぎに家に着き、もちろん12日は二人とも二日酔いです。しかし、彼がSpa(こんな素敵な所→, ここから車で1時間半くらい)でマッサージ、ディナーを予約してあるということなので頑張って行ってきました。夏に一度行ったことがあり、景色は一転、雪景色の中温泉に入ってきました。すっかり二日酔いも解消されとてもリラックスできました。ありがとう!!
(My birthday is Dec 12 = Next day of X'mas party. We arrived back home at past 4 am on 12th and had a hangover on that day. However, he reserved massages and a dinner at Spa and we made a push to go there. The Spa was very nice place→, it takes one and a half hours from here by driving. We visited once in summer, but the landscape changed to snow-scape completely and we could enjoy hot springs in the snow. We could recover from a hangover and relax. Thanks honey!! )

Saturday, 11 December 2010

X'mas party

(We went to a X'mas party of his company. It was so fun!! )

Saturday, 4 December 2010

A Christmas tree

本日飾りつけ☆(We decorated a Christmas tree today☆)

Sunday, 28 November 2010


(We took a trip to Miami. Our purpose was to see his grandparents who are living in Miami from Nov to Apr every year. We could have spent a full vacation with a lot of activities, foods and shopping. But we couldn't receive three luggages: two suitcases and a Christmas tree,  at airport. Those seemed to have been left at Miami airport. I hope we can get our luggages soon!)

Thursday, 11 November 2010



I got vaccinated against influenza yesterday. I’m in process of getting the permanent visa now, so I got it for free. Canadian citizens and permanent residents can get medical treatment for free here.
I got a shot of influenza every year in Japan and would know what kind of reaction will happen to me. But, here’s Canada. The 100kg person gets the same volume of shot as mine. My left arm was too heavy and painful to lift up after a shot. This lazy symptom will be continued for a few days. Marc got a new shot: it’s like a stamp shot in his company. The point around getting a shot was red, feverish and swollen about 10 centimeters and he seemed to have an itch. His immune response was different to me because I got a shot into my arm muscle; on the other hand he got it underneath his skin.
Now, I’m a foreigner in Canada and got many disadvantages: high expenses for applying the permanent visa and medical treatment etc…But little by little, I could have had advantages from Canada and his company. I have to write down my advantages at the present here in order not to forget.
-vaccination against influenza for free
-getting life assurance (In Canada, we authorizes as a conjugal partner after cohabiting for a year and we can get the so-called family plan.)
-getting car insurance (As the insured increases, the rate seemed to rise. On the contrary, we got a discount as a couple= he became a safety driver.)
-getting a elite states of aeroplan (mileage plan of air canada)

Monday, 1 November 2010


It snowed in Sherbooke. Winter is coming!!!

Sunday, 31 October 2010


(We spent the Halloween with his friends living in Sherbrooke, which is in the east from Montreal by driving. When we came back to our flat on 31 Oct, we heard some children knock on the door a few times after 7 pm. But we didn't prepare sweets, so could't open the door. Sorry...)

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


(Happy thing happened to us today. We celebrate with Moet-Chandon☆)


(I got a cold lately and somehow, I want to eat chocolate in such a situation. My usual menu during a cold is mochachino and chocolate brownie.)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Farewell party for grandma

(We had a farewell party of Marc's grandparents who are leaving for Miami, Florida between November and April. Take care!!)

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Thanksgiving Day

先週末はThanksgiving dayの月曜を含め3連休!田舎のワイナリーやスパ、ビストロへ行ってきました。スパからは綺麗な星空、そして動いている宇宙ステーションが見えました。宇宙ステーションは星ぐらいの高さの位置を点滅せずに飛行機より早いスピードで動いていました。地上から宇宙ステーションが肉眼で見えるなんて初めて知りました。ラッキー。
(We had three holidays in a row last weekend including Thanksgiving day, Monday. We went to a wine cellar, a spa and a bistro in the countryside. We could see beautiful starry skies and  the moving space station from the spa. That station is moving as high as stars and  faster than airplanes without winking. I didn't know we can see the space station from the ground with the naked eye. How lucky!
We enjoyed the Mexican night at our flat the next day. We celebrated 10 October, 2010 with cooking fajitas and so on. )

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


(We went out for a hiking because I wanted to see colored leaves. But, the leaves didn't turn completely. About 40% of leaves turned. We seemed to go out a little bit early...Walking with breathing in the countryside was fun. We happened to see many cute squirrels. The next morning, I have leaden body and realized my age.)


(We went to the Martini bar last Saturday. Feeling ran high with a live R&B! There were many people of all ages: from late twenties to old couples, dressed up. That was so cool place,so we absolutely want to come back again. )

途中で見つけた、Tim Hortons(カナダ大手のフランチャイズカフェ)と Cold Stoneのコラボカフェ。
(We found theTim Hortons collaborating with Cold Stone.) 

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


(I went to Baptism for a baby who is a Marc's relative last weekend.This rite is for becoming a Christian. This rite is a different to Miyamari in Japanparents and grandparents bring the child to a Shinto shrine, to express gratitude to the deities for the birth of a baby and have a shrine priest pray for his or her health and happiness. However I think these rites are a similar in the point which parents wish their babies to grow up safety.)

Monday, 27 September 2010

Jardin Bontanique de Montreal

(We went to the Jardin Bontanique de Montreal with Marc's friend and his girlfriend. That Jardin was illuminated with Chinese style. After that, we enjoyed Portuguese restaurant. The price was about 10 times as expensive as in Portugal. The taste was awesome!! )

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Came back to Montreal

(I came back to Montreal this Monday. Tree weeks in Japan has flashed by and I got homesick  through meeting my family and friends. I could find many good points and bad points of Japan by  being away from.
Well, the chilly season is coming here. I'm looking forward to the leaves turned in autumn.)

Friday, 17 September 2010

Tokyo Disney resort

(I went to Tokyo Disney resort with my family. It was decorated with Halloween version this season. The temperature for these two days was over thirty degrees, so hot... We have spent a magical time there.)

Wonderful time in Tokyo

東京での2週間、たくさんの友達に会えて楽しかった☆日本を離れてたった8ヶ月だと思っていたけど、その間にいろいろなことがあるんだなっと思った。これからも仲良くしてね!今回会えなかった友達にも今度は会いたいなっ!!(I really had a good time with my friends in Tokyo for two weeks. It has been just eight months since I left Japan, but many things are changed these months. Please stay as good friends in future!  Then, I want to see the other friends next time who I couldn't see this time.)