Sunday, 31 October 2010


(We spent the Halloween with his friends living in Sherbrooke, which is in the east from Montreal by driving. When we came back to our flat on 31 Oct, we heard some children knock on the door a few times after 7 pm. But we didn't prepare sweets, so could't open the door. Sorry...)

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


(Happy thing happened to us today. We celebrate with Moet-Chandon☆)


(I got a cold lately and somehow, I want to eat chocolate in such a situation. My usual menu during a cold is mochachino and chocolate brownie.)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Farewell party for grandma

(We had a farewell party of Marc's grandparents who are leaving for Miami, Florida between November and April. Take care!!)

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Thanksgiving Day

先週末はThanksgiving dayの月曜を含め3連休!田舎のワイナリーやスパ、ビストロへ行ってきました。スパからは綺麗な星空、そして動いている宇宙ステーションが見えました。宇宙ステーションは星ぐらいの高さの位置を点滅せずに飛行機より早いスピードで動いていました。地上から宇宙ステーションが肉眼で見えるなんて初めて知りました。ラッキー。
(We had three holidays in a row last weekend including Thanksgiving day, Monday. We went to a wine cellar, a spa and a bistro in the countryside. We could see beautiful starry skies and  the moving space station from the spa. That station is moving as high as stars and  faster than airplanes without winking. I didn't know we can see the space station from the ground with the naked eye. How lucky!
We enjoyed the Mexican night at our flat the next day. We celebrated 10 October, 2010 with cooking fajitas and so on. )

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


(We went out for a hiking because I wanted to see colored leaves. But, the leaves didn't turn completely. About 40% of leaves turned. We seemed to go out a little bit early...Walking with breathing in the countryside was fun. We happened to see many cute squirrels. The next morning, I have leaden body and realized my age.)


(We went to the Martini bar last Saturday. Feeling ran high with a live R&B! There were many people of all ages: from late twenties to old couples, dressed up. That was so cool place,so we absolutely want to come back again. )

途中で見つけた、Tim Hortons(カナダ大手のフランチャイズカフェ)と Cold Stoneのコラボカフェ。
(We found theTim Hortons collaborating with Cold Stone.)